当前位置:南通康诚重工机械有限公司 >> 新闻中心 >> 《制药机械名词术语》(GB/T15692.1~9-1995)




序号                  术   语                       &n提升机械bsp;        英文术语

GB/T15692.1 制药机械             td75皮带输送机;      pharmaceutical mechinery

GB/T15692.2 原料药设备锤破及机械           machinery and equipment for pharmaceutical material

1          &n打砂机bsp;反应设备                   reaction equipment

1.1    &砂石分离机nbsp;    生化反应器                 biochemical reactor

1.1.1       发酵输送系统设备                   fermenting equipment

          a 菌种选育设备          &nbs提升输送机p;    seed fungus selecting equipment

    &nb不锈钢料斗sp;     b 往复式摇瓶机               to-and-fro bottle rocker

          c 旋转式摇瓶机         &nb筛粉机sp;     rotary bottle rocker

       粉料螺旋输送机   d 机械搅拌发酵设备           mechanical stirring type fermenting equipment

  &n拍击筛bsp;       e 搅拌式发酵罐               stirring typefermenting tank

          f 机械自吸式发酵罐      &仓壁振动器nbsp;    self-drawn type fermenting equipment

          g 气流搅拌式发酵罐       &n制砂机设备bsp;   air stirring type fermenting equipment

          h 气升式发酵罐               airlift fermenting tank

          i 塔式发酵器                 tower fermenter

          j 喷射自吸式发酵罐           jet an slf-drawn fermenting tank

          k 固体发酵罐                 solid fermenting equipment

          l 塔式移动床发酵罐           moving-bed tower fermenter

          m 流化床发酵罐               fluid-bed fermenter

          n 其他类型的发酵设备         other type fermenting equipment

          o 固定床发酵器               fixed-bed fermenter

          p 中空纤维发酵器             hollow fiber fermenter

          q 固定化细胞流化床发酵器     fixed-cell fluid-bed fermenter

1.1.2       培养罐                     culture tank

1.2         化学反应设备               chemical reacting equipment

2           结晶设备                   crystallzing equipment

2.1         卧式结晶器                 horizontal crystallizer

2.2         立式结晶罐                 vertical crystallizer

3           离心机                     centrifuge

3.1         过滤离心机                 filtering centrifuge

3.1.1       三足式离心机               three-column centrifuge

3.1.2       直联式三足离心机           direct-coupled three column centrifuge

3.1.3       立式锥篮离心机             vertical type conic basket centrifuge

3.1.4       上悬式离心机               top-suspended centrifuge

3.1.5       卧式刮刀卸料离心机         peeler centrifuge

3.1.6       卧式活塞推料离心机         pusher centrifuge

3.1.7       螺旋卸料过滤离心机         scroll discharge screen centrifuge

3.2         沉降离心机                 sedimentary centrifuge

3.2.1       螺旋卸料沉降离心机         scroll discharge sedimentary centrifuge

3.2.2       旁滤式离心机               side-filtered piston-discharge sedimentary centrifug

3.2.3       分离机                     separator

          a 管式分离机                 tubular centrifuge

          b 碟式分离机                 disc centrifuge

3.2.4       三足式沉降离心机           solid bowl three column centrifuge

3.2.5       刮刀卸料沉降离心机         knife-discharge centrifugal clarifier

3.3         螺旋卸料沉降-过滤离心机    solid/screen bowl scroll centrifuge

3.4         高速离心机                 high-speed centrifuge

3.5         密闭离心机                 hermetic centrifuge

3.6         医用低速离心机             pharmaceutical low-speed centrifuge

3.7         低速冷冻离心机             low-speed freezing centrifuge

4           过滤机                     pharmaceutical filter

4.1         微孔过滤设备               microbore filtering equipment

4.1.1       微孔薄膜过滤设备           microbore-film filtering equipment

4.1.2       管式过滤设备               tubular filtering equiment

4.2         层板式过滤设备             laminate filtering equipment

4.3         转鼓真空过滤机             rotary-drum vacuum filter

4.3.1       外滤面转鼓真空过滤机       external filtering surface rotary-drum vacuum filter

4.3.2       密闭式转鼓真空过滤机       enclosed rotary-drum vacuum filter

4.4         圆盘真空过滤机             rotary disc vacuum filter

4.5         转台真空过滤机             rotary table vacuum filter

4.6         带式真空过滤机             horizontal-belt vacuum filter

4.7         板框压滤机                 plate and frame filter press

4.8         叶滤机                     leaf filter

5           萃取设备                   extracting equipment

5.1         提取罐                     extracting tank

5.2         动态提取罐                 dynamic extracting tank

5.3         提取浓缩罐                 extracting and concentracting tank

5.4         超临界萃取设备             supercritocal extracting equipment

6           蒸馏设备                   distilling equipment

6.1         分子蒸馏设备               molecular distilling equipment

6.2         蒸馏釜                     distiller

6.3         精馏塔                     fractional column

7           换热器                     heat exchanger

7.1         管壳式换热器               tubular heat exchanger

7.1.1       固定管板式换热器           fixed tube-sheet heat exchanger

7.1.2       浮头式换热器               floating head heat exchanger

7.1.3       填函式换热器               packing-gland heat exchanger

7.1.4       U型管式换热器              U-tube  heat exchanger

7.2         板式换热器                 plate type  heat exchanger

7.2.1       板翅式换热器               wing type  heat exchanger

7.2.2       螺旋板式换热器             scroll-plate  heat exchanger

8           蒸发设备                   evaporating equipment

8.1         升膜式蒸发器               upward film evaporator

8.2         降膜式蒸发器               downward film evaporator

8.3         多效蒸发器                 multi-effect film evaporator

8.4         刮板式薄膜蒸发器           scraper type evaporator

8.4.1       离心式刮板薄膜蒸发器       centrifugal scraper film evaporator

8.4.2       固定式刮板薄膜蒸发器       constant-clearance  scraper film evaporator

8.5         离心式薄膜蒸发器           centrifugal film evaporator

8.6         外循环式蒸发器             external circulating evaporator

8.7         板式蒸发器                 plate type evaporator

8.8         热泵蒸发器                 heat pump evaporator

8.9         真空浓缩罐                 vacuum concentrating tank

8.10        敞开式浓缩罐               open type concentrating tank

9           干燥设备                   drying equipment

9.1         气流干燥器                 pneumatic dryer

9.2         热风循环烘箱               circulating hot air oven

9.3         圆盘干燥机                 disc dryer

9.4         喷雾干燥气                 spray dryer

9.5         流化床沸腾干燥器           fluid bed dryer

9.6         振动干燥机                 vibrating dryer

9.7         带式翻板干燥机             chain drive drying equipment

9.8         冷冻干燥机                 freezing dryer

9.9         双锥回转式真空干燥机       double conic rotary vacuum dryer

9.10        搅拌干燥机                 stirring dryer

9.11        真空干燥箱                 vacuum drying oven

9.12        隧道烘箱                   tunnel drying oven

9.13        微波干燥器                 microwave dryer

9.14        远红外干燥器               far-infrared dryer

9.15        真空振动流动干燥机         vacuum vibrated dryer

9.16        声波干燥器                 sound-wave dryer

9.17        热泵干燥器                 heat pump dryer

10          筛分机械                   screening machine

10.1        破碎振动筛分机             crushing and vibrating screening machine

10.2        卧式滚筒筛分机             horizontal drum screening machine

10.3        振荡式筛分机               vibration type screening machine

10.4        旋涡式振动筛               eddy type vibrating screen

10.5        往复式振动筛               to-and-fro type vibrating screen

11          贮存设备                   storage equipment

11.1        立式平底平盖容器           vertical vessel with flat top and flat bottom

11.2        立式平盖锥底容器           vertical vessel with flat top and conical bottom

11.3        立式椭圆形封头容器         vertical vessel with elliptical head

11.4        卧式无折边球形封头容器     horizontal type flapless spherical head vessel

11.5        卧式椭圆形封头容器         horizontal type elliptical head vessel

12          灭菌设备                   sterilizing equipment

12.1        培养基连消塔               culture medium sterilizing column

12.2        维持罐                     maintaining tank

12.3        柜式灭菌箱                 cabinet type sterilizing tank

13          隧道式灭菌干燥机           tunnel sterilizing dryer

GB/T15692.3 制剂机械                   preparation machinery

1           片剂机械                   tablet machinery

1.1         混合机                     mixer

1.1.1       槽型混合机                 trough type mixer

1.1.2       锥形混合机                 conical mixer

1.1.3       回转式混合机               rotary mixer

          a V型混合机                  V-type mixer

          b 双锥型混合机               double conical mixer

1.2         制粒机                     granulator

1.2.1       湿法制粒机                 wet type granulator

          a 摇摆式制粒机               oscillating granulator

          b 旋转式制粒机               rotary granulator

          c 挤压式制粒机               pressing granulator

          d 混合制粒机                 mixing granulator

          e 固定缸式制粒机             fixing cylinder type mixing granulator

          f 移动缸式制粒机             moving cylinder type mixing granulator

1.2.2       干法制粒机                 dry type granulator

1.2.3       沸腾制粒机                 fluid  bed granulator

1.2.4       整粒机                     straightening granulator

1.3         压片机                     tablet press

1.3.1       单冲压片机                 single punch tablet press

1.3.2       旋转式压片机               rotary tablet press

1.3.3       高速旋转式压片机           high speed rotary tablet press

1.3.4       自动高速旋转式压片机       automatic high speed rotary tablet press

1.3.5       粉末压片机                 powder pressing machine

1.4         包衣机                     coating machine

1.4.1       荸荠式包衣机               water chestnut type sugar coating machine

1.4.2       高效包衣机                 high efficiency coating machine

2           水针剂机械                 injection machinery

2.1         安瓿割圆机                 ampoule cutting machine

2.2         安瓿清洗机                 ampoule cleaning machine

2.2.1       直线式安瓿清洗机           linear type ampoule cleaning machine

2.2.2       安瓿超声波清洗机           ultra-sonic ampoule cleaning machine

2.3         安瓿隧道式灭菌干燥机       ampoule tunnel sterilizing machine

2.4         安瓿灌封机                 ampoule filling an sealing machine

2.4.1       直线式安瓿拉丝灌封机       linear type ampoule filling and drawing-sealing mach

2.4.2       旋转式安瓿拉丝灌封机       rotary type ampoule filling and drawing-sealing mach

2.4.3       安瓿洗灌封机               ampoule cleaning and drawing-sealing machine

2.5         安瓿洗、烘、灌、封联动机   ampoule cleaning-drying and filling-sealing interloc

2.6         安瓿灭菌检漏设备           ampoule sterilization and leakage detector

2.7         安瓿擦瓶机                 ampoule rubbing machine

3           抗生素粉、水针剂机械       machinery for medicine powder and liquid antibiotic

3.1         抗生素玻璃瓶理瓶机         antibiotic vial straightener

3.2         抗生素玻璃瓶清洗机         antibiotic vial cleaning machine

3.2.1       卧式抗生素玻璃瓶清洗机     horizontal antibiotic vial cleaning machine

3.2.2       立式抗生素玻璃瓶清洗机     vertical antibiotic vial cleaning machine

3.2.3       行列式抗生素玻璃瓶清洗机   row type antibiotic vial cleaning machine

3.2.4       抗生素玻璃瓶超声波清洗机   ultra-sonic antibiotic vial cleaning machine

3.3         抗生素玻璃瓶隧道式灭菌干燥 antibiotic vial tunnel sterilizing dryer

3.4         抗生素玻璃瓶分装机         antibiotic vial filling machiine

3.4.1       抗生素玻璃瓶螺杆分装机     antibiotic vial screw-filling machine

3.4.2       抗生素玻璃瓶气流分装机     antibiotic vial pneumatic-filling machine

3.4.3       抗生素玻璃瓶水剂灌装机     liquid medicine antibiotic vial filling machine

3.5         抗生素玻璃瓶塞塞机         antibiotic vial stoppling machine

3.6         抗生素玻璃瓶轧盖机         antibiotic vial capping machine

3.6.1       滚压式抗生素玻璃瓶轧盖机   rolling type antibiotic vial capping machine

3.6.2       开合式抗生素玻璃瓶轧盖机   open-close type antibiotic vial capping machine

3.7         抗生素玻璃瓶封蜡机         antibotic vial waxing machine

3.8         抗生素粉针生产联动线       antibiotic vial antibiotic powder automatic producti

3.9         抗生素玻璃瓶胶塞洁净设备   antibiotic vial stopple cleaning equipment

3.9.1       卧式抗生素玻璃瓶胶塞清洗机 horizontal type antibiotic vial stopple washing mach

3.9.2       多功能抗生素玻璃瓶胶塞处理 multi-purpose antibiotic vial stopple cleaning machi

3.10        抗生素瓶铝盖清洗机         antibiotic vial aluminium cap washing machine

4           输液剂机械                 infusion machinery

4.1         玻璃瓶输液剂设备           glass  bottle infusion equipment

4.1.1       玻璃瓶输液瓶理瓶机         glass infusion bottle straightener

4.1.2       玻璃瓶输液瓶清洗机         glass infusion bottle washing machine

          a 玻璃瓶输液瓶外洗机         external washing machine for glass infusion bottle

          b 滚筒式玻璃输液瓶内洗机     horizontal drum type glass infusion bottle internal

          c 行列式玻璃输液瓶清洗机     row type glass infusion bottle washing machine

          d 玻璃输液瓶超声波清洗机     ultra-sonic glass infusion bottle washing machine

4.1.3       玻璃输液瓶灌装机           glass infusion bottle filling machine

          a 直线式玻璃输液瓶灌装机     linear type glass infusion bottle filling machine

          b 回转式玻璃输液瓶灌装机     rotary type glass infusion bottle filling machine

4.1.4       玻璃输液瓶充氮机           nitrogen filling machine for glass infusion bottle

4.1.5       玻璃输液瓶塞胶塞机         glass infusion bottle rubber cork stoppling machine

4.1.6       玻璃输液瓶翻塞机           glass infusion bottle plug turning-over machine

4.1.7       玻璃输液瓶塞塞、翻塞机     glass infusion bottle rubber cork stoppling and turn

4.1.8       玻璃输液瓶轧盖机           glass infusion bottle capping machine

4.1.9       玻璃输液瓶洗、灌、封生产联 washing and filling-sealing interlocking production

4.1.10      玻璃输液瓶胶塞清洗机       rubber cork washing machine for glass infusion bottl

4.1.11      玻璃瓶输液剂灭菌柜         glass infusion bottle sterilizing cabinet

4.2         塑料容器输液剂设备         plastic infusion equipment

4.2.1       塑料输液袋灌封机           plastic infusion bag filling-sealing machine

4.2.2       塑料输液瓶成形灌封机       plastic infusion bottle forming and filling-sealing

5           硬胶囊剂机械               machinery for hard gelatin capsule

5.1         硬胶囊充填机               hard gelatin capsule filling machine

5.1.1       台式硬胶囊充填机           table type hard gelatin capsule filling machine

5.1.2       半自动硬胶囊充填机         semi-automatic hard gelatin capsule filling machine

5.1.3       全自动硬胶囊充填机         fully-automatic hard gelatin capsule filling machine

          a 间歇插管式硬胶囊充填机     insertion pipe intermittent hard gelatin capsule fil

          b 连续插管式硬胶囊充填机     insertion pipe continuous hard gelatin capsule filli

          c 全自动填塞式硬胶囊充填机   piston type fully-automatic hard gelatin capsule fil

5.2         胶囊重量选择机             capsule weight checker

5.3         胶囊、药片磨光机           capsule/tablet smoothing machine

6           软胶囊(丸)剂机械         machinery for soft gelatin capsule

6.1         明胶液设备                 liquid gelatin equipment

6.1.1       溶胶锅                     gelatin melter

6.1.2       明胶液桶                   gelatin tank

6.2         软胶囊药液配料设备         liquid medicine dispensing equipment for soft capsul

6.2.1       胶体磨                     colloid mill

6.2.2       药液桶                     liquid medicine tank

6.3         软胶囊制造机               soft capsule making machine

6.3.1       滚模式软胶囊压制机         cylinder type soft capsule encapsulating machine

6.3.2       软胶囊输送机               soft capsule coneryor

6.3.3       转笼式软胶囊定型干燥机     cage type soft capsule dryer

6.3.4       滚模式软胶囊生产联动线     cylinder type soft capsule interlocking production l

6.3.5       滴制式软胶囊(丸)制造机   dropping type soft capsule/pill encapsulating machin

6.4         软胶囊清洗机               soft capsule washer

6.5         废胶囊绞碎机               waste capsule mincer

7           丸剂机械                   pill machinery

7.1         离心式包衣制粒机           centrifugal type coating-granulating machine

7.2         制丸机                     pill making machine

7.2.1       小蜜丸机                   small pill making machine

7.2.2       大蜜丸机                   large pill making machine

7.3         丸剂干燥机                 pill drying machine

7.4         滴丸机                     pill dropping machine

7.5         擦丸机                     pill wiping machine

7.6         选丸机                     pill selecting machine

8           软膏剂机械                 unguent drug machinery

8.1         制膏机                     unguent machine

8.1.1       滚碾式制膏机               rolling type unguent machine

8.1.2       真空匀质制膏机             vacuum emulsifying unguent machine

8.2         软膏灌封机                 unguent filling-sealing machine

8.2.1       金属软管灌封机             metallic collapsible tube filling-sealing machine

8.2.2       塑料软管灌封机             plastic soft tube filling-sealing machine

9           栓剂机械                   suppository drug machinery

9.1         基质熔融罐                 melting tank

9.2         冷挤压制栓机               cold pressing type suppository making machine

9.3         热熔式制栓机               hot melting type suppository making machine

9.4         栓壳成形灌封机             suppository shell forming and filling-sealing machin

10          口服液剂机械               liquid oral drug machinery

10.1        玻璃口服液瓶清洗机         glass oral bottle cleaning machine

10.1.1      旋转式玻璃口服液瓶清洗机   rotary glass oral bottle cleaning machine

10.1.2      玻璃口服液瓶超声波清洗机   ultra-sonic glass oral bottle cleaning machine

10.2        玻璃口服液瓶隧道式灭菌干燥 glass oral bottle tunnel sterilizing dryer

10.3        口服液剂灌封机             liquid oral drug filling-sealing machine

10.3.1      直线式口服液剂灌封机       linear type liquid oral drug filling-sealing machine

10.3.2      回转式口服液剂灌封机       rotary type liquid oral drug filling-sealing machine

10.4        玻璃口服液瓶轧盖机         glass oral bottle capping machine

10.5        玻璃瓶口服液剂生产联动线   glass oral bottle liquid oral drug interlocking prod

10.6        塑料口服液瓶成形灌封机     plastic oral bottle forming and filling-sealing mach

11          药膜剂机械                 medicine film drug machinery

11.1        纸型药膜机                 paper medicine film machine

11.2        纸型膜分格包装机           checker embossing and packaging for paper film

11.3        制膜机                     medicine film machinery

11.4        制膜包装机                 medicine film making and packaging machine

12          气雾剂机械                 aerosol drug machinery

12.1        气雾剂灌封机组             aerosol drug filling-sealing machine

12.1.1      药液灌装机                 liquid drug filling machine

12.1.2      喷雾阀门轧口机             spray valve rolling-installing machine

12.1.3      抛射剂压装机               freon press-filling machine

12.1.4      稳定泵                     regulating pump

12.2        旋转式气雾剂联合灌装机     rotary type aerosol interlocking filling machine

12.3        气雾剂冷灌装机             aerosol cold-filling machine

13          滴眼剂机械                 eye drug machinery

13.1        滴眼瓶、胶帽清洗设备       tube and rubber cap cleaner for eye drug

13.1.1      玻璃滴眼瓶清洗设备         eye drug glass tube cleaner

13.1.2      塑料滴眼瓶清洗设备         eye drug plastic tube cleaner

13.1.3      滴眼瓶胶帽清洗器           rubber cap cleaner

13.2        滴眼剂灌装设备             eye drug filling equipment

13.3        塑料滴眼瓶成形灌封机       eye drug plastic tube forming and filling-sealing ma

14          酊水、糖浆剂机械           tincture drug machinery

14.1        焦糖液制造设备             liquid scorched sugar equipment

14.2        清糖浆制造设备             simple syrup producing equipment

14.2.1      熔糖罐                     sugar melting tank

14.2.2      清糖浆专用过滤器           simple syrup filter

14.3        药液配料设备               liquid medicine dispensing equipment

14.3.1      溶药罐                     medicine dissolving tank

14.3.2      高压匀质泵                 high pressure uniforming pump

14.4        糖浆配制罐                 syrup toring and dispensing tank

14.5        酊水、糖浆灌装机           tincture syrup filling-sealing machine

14.5.1      直线式液体灌装机           linear type liquid filling machine

14.5.2      旋转式液体灌装机           rotary type liquid filling machine

14.6        塞内塞机                   lnner cork stoppling machine

14.7        旋盖机                     cap screwing machine

GB/T15692.4 药用粉碎机械               pharmaceutical milling machinery

1           机械式粉碎机               machine mill

1.1         齿式粉碎机                 tooth mill

1.2         锤式粉碎机                 hammer mill

1.2.1       锤片式粉碎机               paddle mill

1.2.2       锤块式粉碎机               block mill

1.3         刀式粉碎机                 knife mill

1.3.1       刀式多级粉碎机             multi-stage knife mill

1.3.2       斜刀多级粉碎机             multi-stage inclined-knife mill

1.3.3       组合立刀粉碎机             combined vertical-knife mill

1.3.4       立式侧刀粉碎机             vertical type side-knife mill

1.4         涡轮式粉碎机               turbo-mill

1.5         压磨式粉碎机               press-grind mill

1.6         铣削式粉碎机               milling breaker

2           气流粉碎机                 pneumatic cracker

3           研磨机                     grinding machine

3.1         球磨机                     ball mill

3.2         乳钵研磨机                 mortar mill

3.3         胶体磨                     colloid mill

4           低温粉碎机                 low-temperature mill

GB/T15692.5 饮片机械                   sliced herbal medicine machinery

1           洗药机                     herbal medicine washing machine

2           润药机                     herbal medicine infiltrating machine

3           切药机                     herbal medicine slicing machine

3.1         往复式切药机               to-and-fro type herbal medicine slicing machine

3.2         旋转式切药机               rotary herbal medicine slicing machine

4           筛选机                     screening machine

5           炒药机                     herbal medicine roaster

5.1         滚筒式炒药机               drum type herbal medicine roaster

5.2         立式炒药机                 vertical type herbal medicine roaster

GB/T15692.6 制药用水设备               water treatmet equipment for pharmaceutical use

1           列管式多效蒸馏水机         multi-effect tubular water distiller

2           盘管式多效蒸馏水机         multi-effect coil water distiller

3           热压式蒸馏水机             thermocompression water distiller

4           板式多效蒸馏水机           plate type multi-effect water distiller

5           离子交换设备               ion-exchange equipment

6           电渗析设备                 eletric-penetration water purificating equipment

7           反渗透设备                 anti-penetration equipment

GB/T15692.7 药品包装机械               pharmaceutical pcakaging machinery

1           药用包装机械               medicine packaging machinery

1.1         药用充填机                 medicine filling machine

1.1.1       药用计数充填机             medicine counting-filling machine

1.1.2       转盘式计数充填机           disk type counting-filling machine

1.1.3       履带式计数充填机           caterpillar type counting-filling machine

1.1.4       电子计数充填机             electronic counting-filling machine

1.1.5       药用定量充填机             medicine quantitative filling machine

1.1.6       量杯式充填机               measuring cup filling machine

1.1.7       柱塞式液体灌装机           piston type liquid filling machine

1.2         药用容器塞封机             medicine bottle corking-sealing machine

1.2.1       塞纸机                     paper stuffing machine

1.2.2       塞棉机                     cotton stuffing machine

1.2.3       塞内塞机                   inner cork stoppling machine

1.2.4       塞塞封蜡机                 corking and wax-sealing machine

1.2.5       封蜡机                     wax-sealing machine

1.2.6       封盖机                     sealing/capping machine

1.2.7       旋盖机                     cap screwing machine

1.2.8       轧盖机                     capping machine

          a 滚压式轧盖机               rolling type capping machine

          b 压纹式轧盖机               embossing type capping machine

          c 开合式轧盖机               open-close type capping machine

1.3         药用印字机                 medicinal printing machine

1.3.1       安瓿印字机                 ampoule printing machine

1.3.2       安瓿印字装盒机             ampoule printing and boxing machine

1.3.3       安瓿印字包装机             ampoule printing and packaging machine

1.3.4       制盒安瓿印字包装机         box making and printing-packaging machine for ampoul

1.3.5       药片印字机                 tablet printing machine

1.3.6       胶囊印字机                 capsule printing machine

1.3.7       药片、胶囊印字机           tablet and capsule printing machine

1.4         药用贴标签机               medicinal labeling machine

1.4.1       不干胶贴标签机             self-adhesive labeling machine

          a 不干胶药用瓶贴标签机       self-adhesive medicinal bottle labeling machine

          b 不干胶外盒贴标签机         self-adhesive carton labeling machine

1.4.2       粘浆式贴标签机             paste adhesive labeling machine

          a 转鼓式贴标签机             drum type labeling machine

          b 龙门式贴标签机             portal type labeling machine

          c 粘浆式外盒贴标签机         paste adhesive carton labeling machine

1.5         药用包装容器成形充填封口机 medicinal container forming and filling-sealing mach

1.5.1       带状包装机                 strip packaging machine

1.5.2       制袋包装机                 sack making and packaging machine

1.5.3       蜡壳包装机                 waxy pill cover packaging machine

1.5.4       塑料制瓶充填包装机         plastic bottle forming and filling-packaging machine

1.5.5       药用泡罩包装机             medicinal blister packaging machine

          a 滚筒式泡罩包装机           cylinder type blister packaging machine

          b 平板式泡罩包装机           plate type blister packaging machine

          c 滚板组合式泡罩包装机       plate-cylinder type blister packaging machine

1.6         多功能药用瓶装包装机       multi-function medicine bottle packaging machine

1.6.1       微丸瓶装机                 mini-pill bottling machine

1.6.2       小丸剂瓶装机               small pill bottling machine

1.6.3       片(丸)剂瓶装机           tablet/capsule bottling machine

1.7         单机联动瓶装包装线         bottle medicine automatic interlocking packging line

1.7.1       片、丸、胶囊剂瓶装自动包装 bottle tablet/capsule automatic packaging line

          a 片、丸、胶囊玻璃剂瓶装自动 glass bottled tabled/capsule automatic packaging lin

          b 片、丸、胶囊剂塑料瓶装自动 plastic bottled tablet/capsule automatic packaging l

1.7.2       液体灌装自动包装线         automatic liquid filling and packaging line

1.8         药用袋装包装机             sacked medicine packaging machine

1.9         药用装盒包装机             medicinal boxing and packaging machine

1.9.1       泡罩板装盒机               blister boxing machine

1.9.2       通用装盒机                 universal boxling machine

1.9.3       小软管装盒机               small collapsible tube boxing machine

1.10        药用裹包机                 medicinal wrapping machine

1.10.1      药用收缩包装机             medicine shrink packaging machine

1.10.2      玻璃纸包装机               glassine packaging machine

1.11        药用捆合包装机             medicinal tying machine

1.12        药用玻璃瓶清洗机           medicinal glass bottle cleaning machine

1.12.1      半自动药用玻璃瓶清洗机     semi-automatic medicinal glass bottle cleaning machi

1.12.2      机械式药用玻璃瓶清洗机     mechanical medicinal glass bottle cleaning machine

1.12.3      超声波药用玻璃瓶清洗机     ultra-sonic medicinal glass bottle cleaning machine

2           药用相关包装机械           medicinal interrelated packaging machinery

2.1         药用玻璃容器制造机         medicinal glass packaging container making machine

2.1.1       卧式拉管生产线             horizontal glass tube drawing production line

2.1.2       安瓿制造设备               ampoule making equipment

          a 立式安瓿制造机             vertical ampoule making mchine

          b 卧式安瓿制造机             horizontal anmpoule making machine

2.1.3       药用玻璃瓶制造设备         medicinal glass bottle making equipment

          a 管制瓶制造机               glass tube vial making machine

          b 模制瓶制造机               mould bottle making machine

2.2         药用塑料容器制造机         medicinal plastic packaging container making machine

2.2.1       塑料瓶制造机               plastic bottle making machine

2.2.2       塑料盖制造机               plastic cap making machine

2.2.3       药用塑料管膜制造机         madicinal plastic tube/film making machine

2.3         药用金属容器制造机         metallic medicinal container making machine

2.3.1       药用铝管制造机             medicinal aluminium tube making machine

          a 铝管冲挤机                 aluminium tube extruding machine

          b 铝管螺纹机                 aluminium tube screwing machine

          c 铝管印字机                 aluminium tube printing machine

          d 铝管旋盖机                 aluminium tube cap printing machine

2.3.2       其他药用金属容器制造机     other medicinal container making machine

2.4         空心胶囊制造机             empty capsule making machine

2.4.1       溶胶锅                     gelatin dissolver

2.4.2       明胶液桶                   gelatin tank

2.4.3       空心胶壳制造生产线         capsule shell production line

GB/T15692.8 药物检测设备               medicine detecting instrument

1           硬度测定仪                 hardness tester

2           溶出实验仪                 dissolution tester

3           除气仪                     gas removing instrument

4           崩解仪                     disintegration tester

5           栓剂崩解器                 suppository disintegration tester

6           脆碎仪                     brittleness tester

7           检片机                     tablet detector

8           金属检测仪                 metal detector

9           冻力仪                     bloom tester

10          安瓿注射液异物检查设备     impurity detecting equipment for ampoule injection

10.1        安瓿注射液异物检测仪       impurity detector for ampoule injection

10.2        安瓿注射液异物半自动检查机 semi-automatic impurity detecting machine for ampoul

10.3        安瓿注射液异物自动检查机   impurity detecting machine for ampoule injection

11          玻璃瓶输液异物半自动检查仪 semi-automatic impurity detecting machine for glass

12          塑料瓶输液检漏仪           leakage detector for plastic bottle infusion

13          铝塑泡罩包装检测仪         detector for aluminium-plastic blister package

GB/T15692.9 其他制药机械及设备         other pharmaceutical machinery and equipment

1           局部层流装置               partial laminar flow device

2           就地清洗、灭菌设备         site cleaning-sterilizing machine

3           理瓶机                     disk type bottle straightening machine

4           输瓶机                     bottle conveyer

5           垂直输箱机                 vertical type case conveyer

6           送料装置                   conveyer for medicine material

7           打、喷印装置               marker

7.1         安瓿色标机                 ampoule marker

7.2         标签批号印字机             batch number printing machine for label

7.3         制盒批号印字机             batch number printing machine for carton

8           说明书折叠机               synopsis folding machine

9           充气装置                   gas-filling device

10          震荡落盖器                 cap vibrating device

11          揿盖装置                   cap pressing device



页岩粉碎机粉碎机是通过双转子两道连续破碎,无筛条装置, 各种湿渣均可破碎,既水中捞出来也可随时破碎,不存在粘结堵塞现象。
矿石粉碎机是通过双转子两道连续破碎,无筛条装置, 各种湿渣均可破碎,既水中捞出来也可随时破碎。











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